A Brief Look Into Past Projects


Alzheimer's Association [Non-Profit Client]:

Starting 2020 I've had the pleasure of helping out the Rochester Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association with their design needs, including creating newspaper ads, a billboard, and a bus shelter ad to advertise their services.

NoMore.ink [Online Business]:

After the events that happened earlier in the year, I've worked on creating an online POD business to help support the protests that demand action and change for the way America's black community and minorities have been treated. The business donates 50% of all profits to those organizations.

The website is currently being re-hauled to improve customer experience.


LotsofSaras [Artist]:

LotsOfSaras is a brand and website for abstract artist Sara Gallagher.
The figure used in the logo is a vector reproduction of one of her earlier works that was lost over the last few years. This version of the logo is intended to be used for larger formats, such as the back of a business card or on a poster.

The web portfolio utilizes the WordPress CMS to handle and display the vast art collection without excessive admin input or interference.

RSEC [Consulting Business]:

A simple logo and business card design for RSEC (aka Rachel Santiago Education Consulting). The logo was inspired by the owner, Rachel Santiago, who works as Mathematics professor and is greatly passionate about the subject.


Multiplex Enterprises [Business Client]:

A brand and design collaterals for Multiplex Enterprises, a business that works in many different sectors including IT consulting and many others. Due to that the brand had to be generic enough to be applied to different uses.

Cabbages & Kings Mag. [Web Concept]:

A web concept for MCC's Literary & Arts Magazine, which is usually printed once a year.


Cabbages & Kings Mag. [Issue 70]:

As the Visual Editor (and Co-President) of Monroe Community College's art and literary magazine, I had the pleasure of designing the 70th issue, having almost free-reign over the design aspects of the magazine, and succeeding in increasing it's quality despite some budget concerns. I worked alongside passionate students to ensure that their art can be seen by many, and that everyone had a voice.

Bike-On [Design Concept]:

Merging the fields of sports and technology, Bike-on offers a rare chance to explore the homogeneity of the two sectors. As the market for wearable-tech grows, we'll begin to see more exciting and unorthodox designs, traits inherited from marketing strategies popular in both.